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1.Hainan Institute, Zhejiang University, Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Sanya 572025, China
2.Department of Biology, Gus R. Douglass Institute, West Virginia State University, Institute, WV 25112, USA
3.National Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Breeding / The Advanced Seed Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
Chinnannan KARTHIK, Qingyao SHU. Current insights on rice (
Chinnannan KARTHIK, Qingyao SHU. Current insights on rice (
Bakanae is an emerging rice disease caused by the seed- and soil-borne pathogen ,Fusarium,fujikuroi,. It is becoming a more serious threat to sustainable rice production throughout rice-growing regions. Bakanae disease infection is responsible for high yield losses ranging from 3% to 95%, and disease incidence varies based on the region and cultivars. Hence, understanding the nature of the pathogen, its pathogenicity, disease epidemiology, symptoms, host–pathogen interaction, and the role of secondary metabolites in the disease cycle will be helpful in the development of effective and sustainable management strategies. However, very few comprehensive studies have described the details of rice bakanae disease. Thus, in this review we summarize and discuss in detail the information available from 1898 to 2023 on various critical facets of bakanae disease, and provide perspectives on future research.
RiceBakanae diseaseFusarium fujikuroiHost–pathogen interactionPathogenicityGibberellic acid signalingDisease management
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